Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Flexible..!!

This blog is becoming more flexible enough as the number of authors are been increasing..!!
So enjoy the essence of core electronics..!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Serial Port Programmer

This simple AVR Programmer will allow you to painlessly transfer hex programs to most ATMEL AVR microcontrollers without sacrificing your budget and time. It is more reliable than other simple AVR programmers available and can be built in very short amount of time. AVR programmer consists of in-circuit serial programmer small pcb with a DIP socket where you can fit your microcontroller and have it quickly programmed.

Circuit building

circuit components:two 4.7k,10k,15k,two 5.1v zener diodes,BC 547,connector,4Mhz crystal oscillator,5V battery(/supply),22pF capacitors(connected across 4Mhz crystal,its optional)

x1:-serial port female pin(available in any electronic components shop)

GND,RESET(RST),SCK,MISO,MOSI represent pins of the micro controller,refer data sheet corresponding to the micro controller for respective pins.

Build the circuit as shown in figure.It would be a better idea to enclose the entire circuit into a serial port holder,use multi wire connector for connecting micro controller to programmer.Micro controller to be programmed is placed on a separate board known as "AVR Socket PCB". After connecting every thing it looks like


To be able to send hex file from your computer to AVR micro controller you will need to download and install PonyProg2000.It is available at the following link

After the installation, the first thing you will need to do is configure PonyProg to work with our AVR Programmer.Open ponyprog application,following window opens

Press ok,now what you need to do is to configure PonyProg to work with our AVR Programmer. To do this go to "Setup" menu and select "Interface Setup". The following window will be shown

Select serial,after selecting serial select SI Prog I/O ,finally select com1 and then ok.

Connect serial port programmer to your computers serial port and select the type of micro controller used for programming in pony ponyprog window.For example in the above diagram AVR micro ,AT90s8515 is used.

At this point PonyProg configuration is complete and we can open hex program with which AVR microcontroller will be flashed. Go to "File" menu, select "Open Program (FLASH) File ...", and point to the hex file to open it up. You should see hex numbers as shown on the image below. If you haven't connected AVR Programmer dongle to your computer's serial port yet, then now is the time. Make sure that AVR Programmer is physically connected to your AVR microcontroller through Socket PCB.

Now select "Write Program Memory (FLASH)", Click on "Yes" button to confirm the programming.

PonyProg will program AVR microcontroller and verify if the hex file was transferred without any errors.It generally takes 10-20 sec depending on size of program.After programming is completed "Write successful" window will be shown letting you know that AVR microcontroller has been programmed.Programmed micro controller is ready to be pressed into service.

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